Menopause Survival Tips for Midlife Couples (Deck of 30 Cards)

Kris Cavanaugh Castro and Carrie E. Pierce

Menopause Survival Tips for Midlife Couples (Deck of 30 Cards)

Concerned that Menopause will wreck your relationship? This card deck includes 15 tips for men and 15 for women to help a couple support and understand each other during this important transformational time. Consider splitting the deck in half and having you and your spouse pull one card each morning or evening for 15 consecutive days, as a conversation starter to grow together into this new phase of your relationship. The insights you gain will be invaluable!
Price: $25.00
Date Published: April 1, 2017
Author: Kris Cavanaugh Castro and Carrie E. Pierce
Product Number: V4081802439
Part Number: V4081802439
Ships in 3-5 days
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