Data Links: Managing Files Using DB2

IBM Redbooks

Data Links: Managing Files Using DB2

The amount of data that is stored digitally is growing rapidly. The file paradigm is very common for such data types as video, image, text, graphics, and engineering drawings because capture, edit, and delivery tools use the file paradigm for these data types. A large number of applications store, retrieve, and manipulate data in files.

Data Links -- new feature of DB2 Universal Database -- extends the management umbrella of the relational database management system (RDBMS), to data stored in external operating system files as if the data was stored directly in the database. Data Links provides several levels of control over external data such as referential integrity, access control, coordinated backup and recovery, and transaction consistency.

This IBM Redbook explains how to effectively deploy Data Links in a complex environment. First it describes the technical architecture of Data Links, developing applications in a Data Links environment, and planning a deployment of Data Links. Then, it covers administering a Data Links environment, setting up Tivoli Storage Manager as a backup server with Data Links, and implementing high-availability cluster multiprocessing (HACMP) with Data Links. It includes a full chapter on data replication and the replication of Data Linked files. It then describes the Reconcile utility and how the DB2 backup and recovery mechanism supports Data Links. This redbook concludes by providing some hints and tips for problem determination in a Data Links environment.
Price: $55.00
Pages: 372
Date Published: December 20, 2001
ISBN: 0738423106
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6280-00
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