Security Configuration in a TCP/IP Sysplex Environment

IBM Redbooks

Security Configuration in a TCP/IP Sysplex Environment

This IBM Redbook will help those Parallel Sysplex installations that are considering serving users over non-secure TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet, to achieve a broad understanding of the threats to their security. It offers configuration design considerations to keep the related risks at a minimum. The following areas are discussed:
- Utilization of z/OSŤ UNIX System Services and the relevant security setups
- The Parallel Sysplex physical configurations as scrutinized from the security aspect
- Exploitation and protection of the sysplex coupling mechanisms
- Utilization of TCP/IP in a sysplex and the associated security exposures
- Topography of an Internet connection and security measures
Price: $44.00
Pages: 264
Date Published: May 13, 2003
ISBN: 0738423939
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6527-00
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