Implementing VPNs in a z/OS Environment

IBM Redbooks

Implementing VPNs in a z/OS Environment

This IBM Redbook covers the planning and implementation of Virtual Private Networks (VPN) in a z/OS environment. It discusses VPN terminology, supported topologies, and functionality provided by the z/OS Firewall Technologies.

The book offers guidance and recommendations for planning by utilizing flowcharts and walkthroughs of the most common VPN scenarios, and provides information that focuses on the definitions needed for configuring VPN solutions, using the configuration client GUI. Helpful information for verifying and monitoring your VPN installation is also included.

This redbook is intended for systems programmers, network planners, and systems engineers who will plan and install VPNs using z/OS Firewall Technologies. A good background in UNIX System Services and TCP/IP for z/OS, network planning, and network security is assumed.
Price: $37.00
Pages: 182
Date Published: February 4, 2002
ISBN: 0738424331
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6530-00
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