Linus on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 Application Development

IBM Redbooks

Linus on IBM eServer zSeries and S/390 Application Development

This IBM Redbook describes application development for Linux on the IBM eServer zSeries platform. The target audience is application developers writing primarily in C/C++ and Java.

The Linux development environment for zSeries is quite similar to the development environment on other platforms running Linux since the operating system services and development tools share a common code base. We note differences and optimizations specific to the zSeries platform where applicable.

The zSeries platform offers unique advantages to Linux application developers. Running Linux images as guests under zVM allows consolidation of development servers onto a centrally managed machine, thus simplifying system administration of the development environment. The hardware virtualization provided by zVM allows physical resources to be shared among multiple Linux guests.

In part one, we discuss standard development tools available for Linux on the zSeries platform. We provide complete details for using the IBM Java Software Development Toolkit, CVS, Emacs, the vi editor, and applications that make up the Jakarta Project.

In part two, the open source Eclipse IDE is introduced. We describe the basic concepts it incorporates, and provide step-by-step instructions for installing, configuring, and working with Eclipse.

In part three, we demonstrate programming techniques using an example J2EE application as an illustration. All the code necessary to implement the sample project in your own environment is included.

An appendix provides details about installing DB2 for Linux on zSeries, presents topics related to porting applications, and describes a pilot project that produced an e-business solution on Linux for S/390.
Price: $52.00
Pages: 340
Date Published: August 5, 2002
ISBN: 0738425702
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6807-00
Ships in 3-5 days
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