CICS Transaction Gateway V5 The WebSphere Connector for CICS

IBM Redbooks

CICS Transaction Gateway V5 The WebSphere Connector for CICS

The CICS Transaction Gateway (CICS TG) is widely used to provide access to CICS COMMAREA-based programs and 3270 transactions from Java environments. This IBM Redbook shows you how to build a robust CICS TG configuration for a variety of different configurations.

First we introduce the facilities of the CICS TG, followed by step-by-step explanations of how to use the different protocols (TCP/IP, TCP62, APPC and EXCI) used for communication with a CICS TS V2.2 region on z/OS, and how to secure your CICS region when receiving External Call Interface (ECI) or External Presentation Interface (EPI) requests.

Next, we provide details on how to configure the CICS TG V5 on either z/OS or Linux to connect a Java client application to a CICS region. The use of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to encrypt the communication from the Java application to the CICS TG is included in these scenarios.

Finally, we offer two scenarios to illustrate how to configure WebSphere Application Server V4 on the Windows or z/OS platforms, to use the supplied ECI resource adapter to allow J2EE applications to make ECI calls to CICS.
Price: $62.00
Pages: 432
Date Published: June 29, 2009
ISBN: 0738426687
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6133-01
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