Implementing Kerberos in a WebSphere Application Server Environment

IBM Redbooks

Implementing Kerberos in a WebSphere Application Server Environment

This IBM® Redbooks® publication discusses Kerberos technology with IBM WebSphere® Application Server V7.0.0.5 on distributed platforms. IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0.0.5 Kerberos Authentication and single sign-on (SSO) features enable interoperability and identity propagation with other applications (such as .NET, DB2®, and others) that support the Kerberos authentication mechanism. With this feature, a user can log in once and then can access other applications that support Kerberos Authentication without having to log in a second time. It provides an SSO, end-to-end interoperability solution and preserves the original requester identity.

This book provides a set of common examples and scenarios that demonstrate how to use the Kerberos with WebSphere Application Server. The scenarios include configuration information for WebSphere Application Server V7 when using a KDC from Microsoft®, AIX®, and z/OS® as well as considerations when using these products. The intended audience for this book is system administrators and developers who use IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 on distributed platforms.

Price: $68.75
Pages: 556
Date Published: April 25, 2011
ISBN: 0738433489
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-7771-00
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