Secure Messaging Scenarios with WebSphere MQ

IBM Redbooks

Secure Messaging Scenarios with WebSphere MQ

The differences between well-designed security and poorly designed security are not always readily apparent. Poorly designed systems give the appearance of being secure but can over-authorize users or allow access to non-users in subtle ways. The problem is that poorly designed security gives a false sense of confidence. In some ways, it is better to knowingly have no security than to have inadequate security believing it to be stronger than it actually is. But how do you tell the difference? Although it is not rocket science, designing and implementing strong security requires strong foundational skills, some examples to build on, and the capacity to devise new solutions in response to novel challenges. This IBM® Redbooks® publication addresses itself to the first two of these requirements. This book is intended primarily for security specialists and IBM WebSphere® MQ administrators that are responsible for securing WebSphere MQ networks but other stakeholders should find the information useful as well.

Price: $50.00
Pages: 364
Date Published: April 2, 2013
ISBN: 0738437409
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-8069-00
Part Number: 0738437409
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