IBM z/OS DFSMShsm Primer

IBM Redbooks

IBM z/OS DFSMShsm Primer

DFSMShsm provides storage management to help you optimize resources, improve efficiency, direct access storage device (DASD) space, and systems availability. It works with Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS) closely to manage your data through data set migration and recall, and data set backup and recovery. With DFSMShsm, you can automate your storage management tasks, improving productivity by effectively managing the storage devices.

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides technical storage specialists and storage administrators with basic DFSMShsm knowledge for implementing and customizing DFSMShsm at the IBM z/OS® V2R21 level. Hints and tips about the daily operation, monitoring, and tuning are included. Sysplex environment considerations are also included.

If you are implementing DFSMShsm for the first time, you can obtain valuable information about how to use the DFSMShsm functions. If you are experienced, you can use this publication as an update to the latest DFSMShsm functions. This book shows how to use those functions in an existing DFSMShsm installation.

Price: $62.50
Pages: 500
Date Published: June 21, 2017
ISBN: 0738440841
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-5272-03
Ships in 3-5 days
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