CICSVR Update for Release 3.2

IBM Redbooks

CICSVR Update for Release 3.2

CICS® VSAM Recovery (CICSVR) is an IBM® product that allows you to automate the recovery of your damaged or lost VSAM data sets, whether you are using them in a CICS, batch, or combined environment.
It is intended for organizations where the availability and integrity of VSAM data is vital. CICSVR provides an ISPF panel interface and automates the construction of recovery jobs.
CICSVR V3R2 introduces new capabilities and improved performance to the VSAM recovery process. Traditionally, CICSVR was primarily used as a CICS data recovery tool. With this new version, CICSVR also provides recovery for your VSAM batch applications.
This IBM Redbook introduces you to the new features of CICSVR such as Selective Forward Recovery, the Group Function in CICSVR 3.2, and Automatic LSR buffer space calculation and usage. It provides useful information to help you install, set up, and use the product in your environment. Practical examples are included for easier understanding.
This redbook is written for storage administrators or CICS systems programmers responsible for VSAM data set recovery.
Price: $56.25
Pages: 410
Date Published: May 27, 2008
ISBN: 0738485918
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-7022-01
Ships in 3-5 days
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