i5/OS Diagnostic Tools for System Administrators: An A to Z Reference for Problem Determination

IBM Redbooks

i5/OS Diagnostic Tools for System Administrators: An A to Z Reference for Problem Determination

Although the AS/400e server rates over a 99.9% availability factor, there are times when problems occur. Some problems limit the use of a device, program, or application. More severe and pervasive problems limit the use of more components. In either circumstance, the amount of time a component is unavailable relates directly to the actions taken to manage the situation. The ability to resolve problems depends on the tools that are available, the knowledge (and attitude) of the worker, the symptoms and nature of the problem at hand, and other factors.

This IBM Redbook is designed to introduce you to the problem determination aids used in an AS/400e environment. You will become familiar with the tools that are available and the instructions for how each one works. As proficiency is built with the use of each tool and familiarity with the procedures, efficiency of the system operator and service personnel increases.

Consider this redbook as a DonĘt Panic, Read Me First guide to help you support the AS/400e server. It discusses problem analysis, problem determination, and problem source identification. And it offers you step-by step instructions that show you how to use the AS/400 problem determination aids to produce detailed problem information.
Price: $68.75
Pages: 596
Date Published: April 15, 2008
ISBN: 0738486779
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-8253-01
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