Integrating AIX into Heterogenous LDAP Environments

IBM Redbooks

Integrating AIX into Heterogenous LDAP Environments

This IBM Redbook is a technical planning reference for IT organizations that are adding AIX 5L clients to an existing LDAP authentication and user management environment. It presents integration scenarios for the AIX 5L LDAP client with IBM Tivoli Directory Server, the Sun ONE Directory Server, and Microsoft Active Directory.

The sample integration scenarios can be used as a road map for administrators migrating AIX 5L users from traditional local file authentication to an LDAP server, or for adding new AIX 5L boxes to an environment where there are users already defined in the aforementioned directory server products.

- Part 1, "AIX and LDAP" on page 1: The chapters in Part 1 introduce the book, provide a history of AIX and LDAP integration, and provide a detailed discussion of LDAP migration planning topics.

- Part 2, "LDAP client integration" on page 99: This part starts with a detailed chapter on AIX 5L LDAP client installation, integration, and configuration topics that apply to all of the following specific integration scenarios. The rest of Part 2 includes chapters that describe integration scenarios for four LDAP server environments: Sun ONE , IBM Tivoli Directory Server, OpenLDAP, and Microsoft Windows 2003 Active Directory Server.

- Part 3, "Appendixes" on page 271: This part provides background and technical reference information supporting the integration scenarios presented in this book. The appendixes include IBM Tivoli Directory Server V6.0 Installation steps, Microsoft Windows 2003 Active Directory Server configuration procedures, example certificate authority setup procedures, an overview of schemas and migration tools, and an AIX 5L LDAP quick reference
Price: $50.00
Pages: 368
Date Published: November 28, 2007
ISBN: 0738497401
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-7165-00
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