DB2 for z/OS Stored Procedures: Through the CALL and Beyond

IBM Redbooks

DB2 for z/OS Stored Procedures: Through the CALL and Beyond

This IBM Redbook helps you design, install, manage, and tune stored procedures with DB2 for z/OS. Stored procedures can provide major benefits in the areas of application performance, code re-use, security, and integrity. DB2 has offered an ever improving support for developing and operating stored procedures. DB2’s enhancements are related to tooling, language support, system environment, and have opened new possibilities for secure, highly portable applications in line with the e-business strategy of today's organizations.

In this project we show how to develop stored procedures in several languages; we explore the new functions available for the z/OS platform deployment; and provide recommendations on setting up and tuning the appropriate stored procedure environment. The functions we have investigated include setting up the WLM environments, nesting stored procedure, invoking COBOL, C, REXX, SQL language programs, accounting, debugging options, special registers, and diagnostics. We have also set up, developed, and debugged Java stored procedures with the new Java universal driver in a DB2 for z/OS Version 8 environment. A chapter is devoted to DB2-supplied stored procedures. They can be used for almost all of a DBA’s tasks.

We start with the basic information, which is useful for the reader who is just beginning with stored procedures, but we also deal with more detailed and recent functionalities, which will be of interest for the more advanced users.
Price: $91.25
Pages: 714
Date Published: February 22, 2006
ISBN: 0738498181
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-7083-00
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