Day One: Contrail DPDK vRouter

Kiran KN, Ping Song, Przemyslaw Grygiel, and Laurent Durand

Day One: Contrail DPDK vRouter

Inside the software-defined, high-performance, feature rich, open source Tungsten Fabric virtual router.

Let’s do SDN! By using DPDK as an open source data plane for Contrail/Tungsten Fabric vRouter, you’ll learn about DPDK and its related technologies (huge page, NUMA, CPU pinning, etc.) as well as the vRouter DPDK design and details on installation.

DPDK vRouter is one of the most important SDN data plane implementations and this book shows you how to increase its data plane performance, thus accelerating network applications and optimizing NFV and SDN data planes. It’s all here: six chapters and over a hundred illustrations to guide you through the world of SDN and Contrail Tungsten Fabric.

“This book is a must read for network software developers. It covers in great detail how Network Applications can be accelerated with Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK). In particular, it describes libraries, tools and techniques to optimize Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Network (SDN) data plane performance by more than a factor of ten. It is an excellent showcase of a close knit collaboration between Intel and Juniper engineers over many years to deliver high performance and cloud scale applications for the networking industry. I am impressed with its thoroughness and wealth of practical, hands-on information. In summary, this book rocks.” - Rajesh Gadiyar, Vice President and CTO, Network Platforms Group, Intel Corporation

“This is a superb book. Four Juniper engineers have combined their experience in working with DPDK and its use as an open source data plane for SDN (vRouter). Step-by-step the authors describe the innards of vRouter and show you how to configure, optimize, and troubleshoot one of the best SDN solutions in the marketplace. Congratulations to the authors, and to you the reader who are about to be impressed.”- Raj Yavatkar, CTO, Juniper Networks

  • Understand SDN basics.
  • Apply DPDK and network virtualization technologies.
  • Identify Contrail vRouter DPDK internal architectures.
  • Manage packet forwarding flows in DPDK vRouter.
  • Install contrail and the traffic testing tools.
  • Be familiar with the utilities available for DPDK vRouter to troubleshoot and analyze performance.
About the Authors
Kiran K N is a Principal Engineer in Juniper Networks, with more than 15 years of experience in the networking industry. He graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology with a masters degree in Computer Science. His current area of interest is Software Defined Networks and data path technology. He is an expert in DPDK and an active developer of Contrail vRouter. He has made significant contributions towards the architecture, hardening, features, and performance enhancements of vRouter.

Ping Song is a technical support engineer at Juniper Networks. As a network engineer, he currently supports customers building and maintaining their data centers with Juniper contrail networking SDN solution. Ping is also an enthusiastic Linux and Vim power user. After work, Ping enjoys gardening work and reading Chinese literature. Ping holds active double CCIE#26084 (R&S, SP) and triple JNCIE (SP#2178, ENT#775, DC#239) certifications.

Przemyslaw Grygiel is a Principal Engineer in Juniper Networks with 18 years of experience in the cloud and networking industry. He is an expert in cloud computing and SDNs and has seven years of experience with Juniper Contrail. Przemyslaw holds CCIE #15278 (R&S).

Laurent Durand is a technical consultant in Juniper Networks He started as C/C++ developer 25 years ago. In early 2000, he worked as a Network and System Engineer. Later, while working as a Network Architect, he designed country wide IP MPLS networks (Mobile and Fix), and VoIP solutions for some European Telcos. For the last few years he has worked as Cloud Solutions Architect; he has also been working on SDN infrastructures and teaches Network Virtualization in some Paris engineering schools

Price: $40.00
Pages: 194
Date Published: January 21, 2021
ISBN: 9781936779895
Author: Kiran KN, Ping Song, Przemyslaw Grygiel, and Laurent Durand
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