A 5 Could Make Me Lose Control

Kari Dunn Buron

A 5 Could Make Me Lose Control

This unique hands-on activity is based on The Incredible 5-Point Scale (www.5pointscale.com), and was developed to support students who are highly anxious. The activity uses a highly systemized and visual routine to better understand and share social and emotional information. Using this self-contained kit, the social learner literally sorts cards describing social situations, contexts, and environments into colorful pockets designating how the specific situation makes them feel. The pockets range from 1-5, 1 being “doesn’t bother me at all” and 5 being “this could make me lose control!”. This activity can be used to solicit valuable information from the person you support. The resulting information can be used as a part of a Functional Behavior Assessment, to determine under what circumstances the person might need additional help. A laminated, erasable page and blank cards enable parents, therapists and teachers to individualize this innovative program. The user guide includes suggestions for how to incorporate this task into proactive planning and problem solving at home, at school, or in any other social environment.

Price: $30.00
Date Published: February 15, 2022
ISBN: 9781737671596
Author: Kari Dunn Buron
Ships in 3-5 days
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