Day One: Deploy Cloud-Native Contrail Networking as a CNI For Kubernetes

Elisabeth Krishna Kishore, Rahul Verma, Tayib AhmedRodrigues, Michal Styszynski, and Kishore Tiruveedhula

Day One: Deploy Cloud-Native Contrail Networking as a CNI For Kubernetes

One of Contrail Networking’s (CN2) key benefits is its simplicity and cloud-native design, making it easy to operate and consistent across different clouds. Additionally, CN2 is DevOpsfriendly with your existing workflows and processes. Advanced security features such as micro-segmentation, multi-tenant and namespace network isolation, and label-based security policies provide pervasive security for your network. CN2’s ability to manage multiple clusters with one CN2 instance, and its multi-cluster policy federation for network security and BGP cluster-to-cluster peering, enables scaling of your network across multiple clusters.

This book shows you how to deploy CN2 as a container network interface (CNI) in Kubernetes (K8s) and how to toggle these features. Step-by-step you'll learn how to deploy applications and add distributed clusters. It’s a tour de force for CN2 and the authors make it easy with lots of verified examples and tips from their long-time Technical Support careers.

“This new book on CN2 is an excellent resource that provides comprehensive coverage of key technical terms followed by step-by-step instructions for installation and verification. It also includes valuable insights from Juniper’s Customer Focused Technical Support (CFTS) and Product Line Management (PLM) teams.” - Payum Moussavi, GVP, Customer Service, Juniper Networks

“A thorough up-and-running book devoted to Cloud-Native Contrail Networking (CN2). Build a new cloud on day one! Everything you need plus insights and tips from Rahul, Kishore, and Tayib.” - Raghupathi C., Senior Director of Technical Support, Juniper Networks

  • Understand Kubernetes Networking and the role of CNIs in Kubernetes.
  • Learn about the advanced networking features and capabilities provided by CN2.
  • Follow the CN2 deployment steps: installation of required components, configuring the network, and creating objects such as virtual networks.
  • Learn how CN2 objects work and how they are used: virtual networks, BGP routers, isolated namespaces, security policies, etc.
  • Deploy a multi-tier microservice-based enterprise application in CN2.
  • Learn how to peer a CN2 cluster with DC gateway router.

Price: $20.00
Pages: 83
Date Published: March 29, 2023
Author: Elisabeth Krishna Kishore, Rahul Verma, Tayib AhmedRodrigues, Michal Styszynski, and Kishore Tiruveedhula
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