DCE Replacement Strategies

IBM Redbooks

DCE Replacement Strategies

This IBM Redbook recommends strategies that you can use to replace the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) dependencies in your environment and move to new technologies. The following topics are covered:
- DCE overview and recap
- Replacement technologies
- Replacement strategies
- Replacement scenarios
- Replacement coding examples
This book is a valuable information source if you are an executive, administrator, or developer of an IBM customer environment that uses IBM DCE for a distributed systems and application infrastructure.

Although strategies for replacing DCE are described, the book does not cover strategies for replacing dependencies to IBM products that use DCE, such as DFS and TXSeries.",
Price: $63.00 $50.00
Pages: 454
Date Published: June 24, 2003
ISBN: 0738453080
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6935-00
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