Surviving Low Self Esteem - Single Pack (DVD, CD, TS)

Karen Gosling

Surviving Low Self Esteem - Single Pack (DVD, CD, TS)

In this one-hour DVD with audio CD training Expert Emotional Wealth Counselor Karen Gosling helps you improve your self esteem. She reveals how to challenge the inner voice once you catch the message and challenge it, you can see that the message is inaccurate or irrational, or at best, completely exaggerated.

Imagine being able to feel positive all the time! Wouldn't that be great? Or what about if you could consistently THINK positively? How would that feel if you could do this? Imagine being able to feel confident. It truly is possible, but you need to know how.

Every section in the DVD and CD package is there because "you asked for it." Well, not "you" really. But questions from thousands of real live clients who have attended private counseling sessions with the author over more than 30 years. Questions from people who want to get rid of lowered self-esteem. People like you who came and left Karen their most pressing questions. Then she answered them!

And it's not like any other DVD seminar you've ever seen on revising negative thinking. Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover in this "Surviving Low Self Esteem" package:

* How to be more optimistic.
* Three simple ways to believe in yourself.
* The little-known way to have good self-esteem.
* Five proven steps to challenging the inner voice.
* Simple keys to maintain a positive mood.
* AMAZING! Discover in a matter of minutes how to stop the dwelling.
* REVEALED! The hidden truth behind lowered self-esteem.

Want to catch a negative thought and challenge it? What about a way to unpack your negative jigsaw? "Surviving Low Self Esteem" covers nearly everything you need to get you started on feeling better about yourself. The DVD and audio mp3 file can be watched or listened to in your own time and at your own pace, in the privacy of your own home. Plus you get the bonus audio transcript to read at your leisure.
Price: $47.00
Pages: 32
Date Published: December 1, 2010
Author: Karen Gosling
Product Number: V4081505795
Part Number: V4081505795
Ships in 3-5 days
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