Surviving Alcohol Addiction - Single Pack (DVD, CD, TS)

Karen Gosling

Surviving Alcohol Addiction - Single Pack (DVD, CD, TS)

Most people who drink, even if they drink to excess, do not consider themselves an alcoholic because most people have a mental picture in their mind of what an alcoholic is. Typically, it is the homeless man who is shuffling down the street, looking through bins and carrying his half-empty flask in a paper bag under his heavy coat. They think the alcoholic is the one who goes to the soup kitchen once a day or once every couple of days to have a meal and they say, That isn’t me. I’m not an alcoholic.

In this one-hour DVD with Audio CD training, Expert Emotional Wealth Counselor Karen Gosling explains that it is very difficult to define who is the alcoholic and who isn’t the alcoholic. What does it actually mean? Is it to do with being addicted? Do you have to be addicted to alcohol to be an alcoholic or to have an alcohol problem? If I have somebody ask me this question, Am I an alcoholic? I say to them, Let me rephrase that and I’ll ask you, do you have an alcohol problem? If anybody has ever had to say anything to you about your drinking a parent, a partner, even your children if anybody has ever had to say anything to you about the amount of alcohol that you drink, and you drink on regardless and you disregard their feelings about the amount you drink, then yes, you have an alcohol problem. That really is your guideline.

Want to understand the addiction cycle and help with answering the question, "Should I stay or should I go?" Need strategies for not drinking so much? Karen's training will explain all this and much, much more... The DVD and audio mp3 file can be watched or listened to in your own time and at your own pace, in the privacy of your own home, in the car, or on your mp3 player. Plus you get the bonus audio transcript to read at your leisure.
Price: $47.00
Pages: 19
Date Published: December 1, 2010
Author: Karen Gosling
Product Number: V4081505800
Part Number: V4081505800
Ships in 3-5 days
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