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IBM Redbooks
Juniper Networks
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A Comprehensive Guide to Virtual Private Networks, Volume III: Cross-Platform Key and Policy Management
The Internet nowadays is not only a popular vehicle to retrieve and exchange information in traditional ways, such as e-mail, file transfer and Web surfing. It is being used more and more by companies to replace their existing telecommunications infrastructure with virtual private networks by implementing secure IP tunnels across the Internet between corporate sites as well as to business partners and remote usres.
This redbook closely examines the functionality of the Internet Key Exchange protocol (IKE) - which is derived from the Internet Security Associations Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) and the Oakley protocol. IKE provides a framework and key exchange protocol for Virtual Private Networks (VPN) that are based on the IP Security Architecture (IPSec) protocols. An overview of VPN technologies based on the latest standards is provided in Part I.
This redbook also helps you understand, install and configure the most current VPN product implementations from IBM, in particular AIX, OS/400, Nways routers, OS/390, and several client and OEM platforms. After reading this redbook, you will be able to use those products to implement different VPN scenarios. An overview of the functions and configuration of the VPN components of those products is provided in Part II.
The main focus of this redbook is on how to implement complete VPN solutions using state-of-the-art VPN technlogoies, and to document IBM product interoperability. This redbook is therefore not meant to be an exhaustive VPN design guide. The authors would like to refer the reader to IBM security and network consulting services for that purpose.
This redbook is a follow-on to the VPN Vol. 1 (SG24-5201) and VPN Vol. 2 (SG24-5234) redbooks. A basic understanding of IP security and cryptographic concepts and network security policies is assumed.
Date Published:
November 19, 1999
IBM Redbooks
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