MQSeries Publish/Subscribe Applications

IBM Redbooks

MQSeries Publish/Subscribe Applications

Publish and Subscribe is an effective way of disseminating information to multiple users. Publish/Subscribe applications can help to enormously simplify the task of getting business messages and transactions to a wide, dynamic and potentially large audience in a timely manner.

This redbook positions the MQSeries Publish/Subscribe to MQSeries Integrator Publish/ Subscribe.

It will help you create, tailor and configure an application from publishing data through to subscribing via web pages.

The books provides a broad understanding of a building and running an entire publish/subscribe solution.

It will help give you a quick start to design and create a solution and then migrate it from MQSeries Publish/Subscribe to MQSeries Integrator Publish/Subscribe.
Price: $42.00
Pages: 236
Date Published: September 25, 2001
ISBN: 0738423149
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6282-00
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