Linux and Branch Banking

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Linux and Branch Banking

The banking industry is undergoing a major transformation to e-business, supporting a multichannel model for its delivery of services. As part of this transformation, there is a major focus on the branch IT infrastructure. In this very competitive environment, banks are looking for solutions that are cost effective, provide a high quality of service, and allow them to speed new products and services to market. In addition, they need to have a flexible and open environment in order to absorb the inevitable changes that occur over time. At the same time, Linux is gaining popularity and credibility as a robust and stable operating environment for many business-critical functions. This IBM Redbook surveys the current trends in branch banking, describes in detail an IBM Patterns for e-business approach to designing the branch infrastructure of the future, and provides the reader with an understanding of how and where Linux can play a key role in branch banking infrastructures.
Price: $35.00
Pages: 170
Date Published: January 7, 2003
ISBN: 0738428337
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6909-00
Ships in 3-5 days
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