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IBM TS7700 Release 4.2 Guide
This IBM® Redbooks® publication covers IBM TS7700 R4.2. The IBM TS7700 is part of a family of IBM Enterprise tape products. This book is intended for system architects and storage administrators who want to integrate their storage systems for optimal operation.
Building on over 20 years of virtual tape experience, the TS7760 now supports the ability to store virtual tape volumes in an object store. The TS7700 has supported off loading to physical tape for over two decades. Off loading to physical tape behind a TS7700 is utilized by hundreds of organizations around the world. Using the same hierarchical storage techniques, the TS7700 can also off load to object storage. Given object storage is cloud based and accessible from different regions, the TS7760 Cloud Storage Tier support essentially allows the cloud to be an extension of the grid. As of the release of this document, the TS7760C supports the ability to off load to IBM Cloud Object Storage as well as Amazon S3.
To learn about the TS7760 cloud storage tier function, planning, implementation, best practices, and support see IBM Redpaper IBM TS7760 R4.2 Cloud Storage Tier Guide, redp-5514 at:
The IBM TS7700 offers a modular, scalable, and high-performance architecture for mainframe tape virtualization for the IBM Z® environment. It is a fully integrated, tiered storage hierarchy of disk and tape. This storage hierarchy is managed by robust storage management microcode with extensive self-management capability. It includes the following advanced functions:
Improved reliability and resiliency
Reduction in the time that is needed for the backup and restore process
Reduction of services downtime that is caused by physical tape drive and library outages
Reduction in cost, time, and complexity by moving primary workloads to virtual tape
More efficient procedures for managing daily backup and restore processing
Infrastructure simplification through reduction of the number of physical tape libraries, drives, and media
TS7700 delivers the following new capabilities:
TS7760C supports the ability to off load to IBM Cloud Object Storage as well as Amazon S3
8-way Grid Cloud consisting of any generation of TS7700
Synchronous and asynchronous replication
Tight integration with IBM Z and DFSMS policy management
Optional Transparent Cloud Tiering
Optional integration with physical tape
Cumulative 16Gb FICON throughput up to 4.8GB/s * 8
IBM Z hosts view up to 496 * 8 equivalent devices
Grid access to all data independent of where it exists
The TS7760T writes data by policy to physical tape through attachment to high-capacity, high-performance IBM TS1150 and IBM TS1140 tape drives installed in an IBM TS4500 or TS3500 tape library.
The TS7760 models are based on high-performance and redundant IBM POWER8® technology. They provide improved performance for most IBM Z tape workloads when compared to the previous generations of IBM TS7700.
Date Published:
April 19, 2019
IBM Redbooks
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