WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries Version 5.1.2

IBM Redbooks

WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries Version 5.1.2

While the IBM WebFacing Tool is probably the most commonly known component of WDSc, there are many other tools combined into a single product. All those components together provide a complete workbench based on the Eclipse framework for the application developer for OS/400 or i5/OS. This IBM Redbook discusses WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries V5.1.2 and WebSphere Development Studio Client Advanced Edition for iSeries V5.1.2. The Development Studio Client includes several powerful tools that are targeted to iSeries application developers:
WebSphere Studio Site Developer or WebSphere Studio Application Developer
iSeries-specific features, such as:
- Remote Systems Explorer
- IBM WebFacing Tool
- Web Interaction Wizard
- CoOperative Development Environment (CODE)
- VisualAge RPG
- Integrated iSeries debugger

Price: $98.75
Pages: 722
Date Published: May 5, 2005
ISBN: 0738490628
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6961-01
Ships in 3-5 days
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