Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1

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Portalizing Domino Applications: Integration with Portal 5.02 and Lotus Workplace 2.0.1

This IBM Redbook provides an overview of the options and techniques for integrating and "portalizing" Domino applications into WebSphere Portal and Lotus Workplace. For each of the integration options, we provide an overview of the technology, an introduction to the software and tools used, and step-by-step examples of using the techniques to portalize a sample Domino application.

We begin by explaining why portal integration is so useful for any company that has a Domino environment, and the importance of integrating Domino applications into WebSphere Portal and Lotus Workplace. To provide the proper context, we address the concept and strategy of the IBM Workplace and explain how Domino, WebSphere Portal, and Lotus Workplace fit into this strategy. We also explain some of the key concepts of portals and Domino application integration, and outline some recognized design patterns for Domino application integration.

We cover a broad range of integration options, from using existing collaborative portlets which ship with Domino and Portal, to using Portlet Builders, or ultimately, using the Java API to customize the integration of the application.

This book is aimed at Domino application developers or anyone else who wants to learn how to portalize Domino applications.

Price: $106.25 $85.00
Pages: 782
Date Published: April 8, 2005
ISBN: 0738492256
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6466-00
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