z/VM on an EFS Base: Getting Started

IBM Redbooks

z/VM on an EFS Base: Getting Started

This IBM Redbook provides a basic introduction to z/VM usage in a specific environment and assumes the use of a particular z/VM implementation (which is described in detail). With this starting point, we discuss the initial structure of z/VM and describe a number of common tasks (step by step) along with the rationale for these tasks. The user is assumed to have a common z/OS implementation or a common Linux for S/390 system, or both, already installed. We assume that the total operation is on an IBM ThinkPad with the FLEX-ES product installed.
Price: $28.75
Pages: 108
Date Published: April 28, 2004
ISBN: 0738498076
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-7009-00
Ships in 3-5 days
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