Celebrate The ADD Difference - Single Pack (DVD, CD, TS)

TOP : Karen Gosling

Celebrate The ADD Difference - Single Pack (DVD, CD, TS)

The ADD spouse or partner can be enjoyed. They are usually quite intuitive, really quite brilliant and extremely creative. They can stay focused for many, many hours on the same project and can be extremely productive. ADDs have also got an infectious humor. They can be exuberant and have a ton of energy and put a lot of energy into things. The ADD often can accurately see problems and instinctively know how to solve them and if you ask them, How did you know that? they won’t know. It’s something very special about the ADD brain and the reason why ADDs are frequently valued in companies is because they are the problem solvers. They will spot problems; they will solve them because they have novel, instinctive ways of knowing what the problem is.

In this one-hour DVD with Audio CD training, Expert Emotional Wealth Counselor Karen Gosling talks about how to celebrate the ADD difference. It won't be easy, as couples actually have to know a lot about ADD how the behaviors impact on relationships and about the impact of behaviors on each other. Karen provides real life case studies because it is once you actually hear about how ADD behavior plays itself out in relationships that the fog starts to lift and you can sometimes say, Ahh, that’s what happens also to me.

Karen's training ends with a not to be missed detailed case study of a couple who presented as the wife suffering from depression and the husband being the carer, to the husband being an adult ADD and the wife trying for 16 years to manage the stress of living with an ADD. After the first weekend of medication for ADD the husband said to Karen, "It was like I had had another world opened up to me. I had never been in this place, ever." The DVD and audio file can be watched or listened to in your own time and at your own pace, in the privacy of your own. Plus you get the bonus audio transcript to read at your leisure.
Price: $47.00
Pages: 20
Date Published: December 1, 2010
Author: Karen Gosling
Product Number: V4081505810
Part Number: V4081505810
Ships in 3-5 days
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