A Sound Living One Fisherman's Journey

A Sound Living One Fisherman's Journey

One Fisherman’s journey is a multi-faceted, salt water based outdoor adventure. Initially the book touches on being a part of one’s natural environment and awareness of exploitation and the importance of conservation. It continues on to a time when a young boy enjoyed his summers an falls at the beach and on the dock, swimming and fishing, and learning from the "old timers."

Boating becomes a part of his life, a whole new world. Bored with recreational activities, Davey seeks Albie’s help. Albie is a long time fisherman and Davey’s mentor teaches the young man how to construct the traps and nets needed to be self sustained lobersterman. Then he advises Davey to go out on his own and unlock some of the seas’ mysteries in order to become successful.

His first year of commercial fishing is full of adventure. Every day on the sound brings something different and challenging. He becomes more connected with every trip. Realizing that there are many diverse opportunities to make a living on the water, He reaches out to explore as many as he can. He reaches out to learn and help the other fishermen.

With masterful creativity the author brings the reader to a time and place including black nights on the mighty and mysterious Connecticut river, life threatening storms on the sound, some incredible catches and a harrowing life saving experience.

Retired from commercial fishing his deep connection with the water and Mother Nature lives on in his recreational fishing efforts.

The conclusion of the book brings Captain Dave back to the dock where the story all started, simply fishing with eager children and teaching them how to be successful and encouraging hem to always be thankful for and be part of the natural world around them.

Price: $15.95
Pages: 151
Date Published: March 27, 2012
ISBN: 9780615578507
Author: David Lubeski
Product Number: V4081606056
Part Number: V4081606056
Ships in 3-5 days
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