Plan My Trades

Kimmoy Matthews

Plan My Trades

Hey, trader! Have you been following your trading plan? Maybe you’re new and haven’t developed one yet. Or maybe you’re an experienced trader who is on a mission to pinpoint exactly what you can do to improve your trade performance. The Plan My Trades journal will shed some light on your trades and help you become a more disciplined and smarter trader. This journal is not your typical trading log. From your very first trade, you know that it can be a challenge to keep your emotions in check. This is why the layouts are designed to not only help you track the numbers but also help you document your thoughts and how confident you feel when trading. While you can easily access your profit and loss statements online, there’s more to your trading story. How well did your strategies really work? Don’t let selective memory get the best of you. This journal will help you reflect, review, and hone in on a trading style that works uniquely for YOU. The Plan My Trades journal is un-dated and consists of 90 trade pages, 6 review pages, and the kick-in-your-butt quotes to keep you going. It’s small enough to take with you on the go and there are pages to freely jot down any trading strategies and ideas that you would like to test out. Journal features: -90 trade pages -Goal and milestone pages -Notes pages -Review pages -Easy to carry and measures 5” x 7” inches with a spiral bound
Price: $19.99
Date Published: February 16, 2019
ISBN: 9781949950564
Author: Kimmoy Matthews
Part Number: V4081806690-01
Ships in 3-5 days
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