You Are Special

Lillian Gitau

What does exclusion look like through the eyes of a child? It means being left out of play by other children, it means not being able to make friends as easily; it means not being ‘selected’ or ‘invited’ to join in. What does exclusion look like through the eyes of an adult? It means being left out of whatever matters most to them– and it carries the same weight. ‘You Are Special!’ is a book with a simple idea. The idea that we can celebrate our differences rather than let those differences divide us. The idea that every child is unique and special and able to make a valuable contribution if given the opportunity to. ‘You Are Special!’ is a book for every parent, guardian, educator, aunt, uncle and anyone able to shape the opinion and perspective of a child. It provides points of reflection on some of life’s most important but basic principles – love, respect, care, sensitivity and empathy. ‘You are Special!’ will change our children’s worldview – by allowing them to reflect on and embrace inclusion in this diverse world, sowing the right seeds in the still ‘fertile soil’ of our children’s hearts and minds. This is a book to grow on and is for grownups too!
Price: $9.99
Date Published: August 9, 2019
ISBN: 978-1-950960-46-0
Author: Lillian Gitau
Part Number: V4081807671-01
Ships in 3-5 days
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