Custom Mastery Planner

Sarah L Ostroski

Have you ever felt disorganized and out of control of your schedule? Do you crave organization and order? Or, are you terrible at planning ahead and recognize the need for a little more structure in your daily schedule? Do you need some help figuring out how to fit YOU into your busy day to day life?If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then this is the planner for you! You are holding the golden ticket to “getting it done” while continuing to fit in your every-day life. Let’s work together to make YOU the priority so that you can be your best self. By being your best self, you will rise above the stress, confusion, and overwhelm of setting a schedule and sticking to it. You will condition and strengthen your strengths and overcome your weaknesses.This planner is designed with time management, wellness, and organization in mind. Use this book to help organize schedules (professional, and personal), find down time, and keep life in order.
Price: $24.00
Date Published: August 20, 2019
ISBN: 978-1-950960-45-3
Author: Sarah L Ostroski
Part Number: V4081807799-01
Ships in 3-5 days
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