Absolute Abundance (2nd Edition)

Diahana Barnes

Absolute Abundance (2nd Edition)

Is it time to fully integrate your spiritual side into your business, so you can experience total, life business and money harmony? Imaging having complete clarity, feeling energized, fully satisfied, so in tune that sales are easy, marketing is easy, and complete abundance is an everyday occurrence. This book is a compilation of several activities, worksheets and insights I use with coaches, healers and heart-centered entrepreneurs who want to have more abundance in their business. It can show you how to have a heart centered business and how to tap into who you spiritually are. It dives into how to remove errors, gremlins & whats blocking you. This book is a great start to helping you develop your own perfect heart-centered sales strategy where sales are easy, where potential ideal clients are saying yes! to meeting with you, in a repeatable process that you can use any time you want to manifest money and clients.
Price: $12.99
Date Published: December 30, 2020
ISBN: 9781647752255
Author: Diahana Barnes
Part Number: V4081903293-01
Ships in 3-5 days
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