System/390 MVS Parallel Sysplex Batch Performance

IBM Redbooks

System/390 MVS Parallel Sysplex Batch Performance

This redbook outlines a methodology, and gives detailed advice to help
customer performance specialists reduce the elapsed times of batch job
streams. The techniques for tuning batch are discussed in detail.

Rather than tackling the subject from a product perspective, this book
applies a top-down approach to tuning a batch window, describing how
various products implement this approach. The facilities of
Performance Management for I/O (PMIO), IBM's Batch Tuning Consultancy
offering are described where relevant.

This document is intended for customer performance specialists and IBM
technical professionals who need to know how to perform a batch window
reduction study. A knowledge of large systems performance principles
is assumed.
Price: $52.00 $41.00
Pages: 342
Date Published: December 18, 1995
ISBN: 0738407070
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-2557-00
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