IBM WebSphere Performance Pack: Caching and Filtering with IBM Web Traffic Express

IBM Redbooks

IBM WebSphere Performance Pack: Caching and Filtering with IBM Web Traffic Express

IBM WebSphere Performance Pack is Web infrastructure software that addresses the scalability, reliability and performance needs of e-business applications in both local and geographically distributed environments. Its functions incorporate leading-edge and robust caching, file management and load balancing, that together compensate for the inherent weakness of the Internet to support critical business applications and expectations.

This redbook will give you a clear understanding of the features of IBM Web Traffic Express, the Caching and Filtering component of IBM WebSphere Performance Pack. It shows how to plan for, install, configure, use, tune and troubleshoot each component and offers specific implementation examples. Moreover, it helps explain how to build complex scenarios that involve all the components of IBM WebSphere Performance Pack, to give you a better understanding of the technologies involved.

Note that this publication was written in conjunction with two other volumes about WebSphere: IBM WebSphere Performance Pack: Web Content Management with IBM AFS Enterprise File System, SG24-5857, and IBM WebSphere Performance Pack: Load Balancing with IBM SecureWay Network Dispatcher, SG24-5858. To realize the most benefit, all three volumes should be obtained.
Price: $52.00
Pages: 338
Date Published: October 28, 1999
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-5859-00
Ships in 3-5 days
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