Priorities for Life Study Guide

Joyce Zook

Success and balance are possible when we use the priorities found in the Bible. But too often we try to tackle more than God asks of us and then get frustrated trying to do what we planned.

In this book you will discover God's priroites for us and what He wants us to do. You will discover how to focus on the key people in our lives and how our stress reactions can guide what we do. You will discover when to say "No" and how to adjust our schedules to follow God's plans.

Head knowledge is great, but our lives won't change until we actually alter our actions to reflect God's plan for us. This study guide for women focuses on your life and activities. The questions are practical, personal, and relevant to your current circumstances. The book is full of valuable guidelines, tips, and tools to help you create the success and balance your desire.

Price: $11.99
Pages: 112
Date Published: June 5, 2016
ISBN: 9781943784547
Author: Joyce Zook
Part Number: V4081801216
Ships in 3-5 days
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