Customizing Performance Toolbox and Performance Toolbox Parallel Extensions for AIX

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Customizing Performance Toolbox and Performance Toolbox Parallel Extensions for AIX

This redbook is intended for anyone who needs to customize the monitoring and analysis of the Performance Toolbox for AIX (PTX). Especially for those who support one or more SP environments, there is a second part that covers an extension to PTX, appropriately named, the Performance Toolbox Parallel Extension (PTPE).

The customization and use of the Performance Toolbox (PTX) for AIX and Performance Toolbox Parallel Edition (PTPE) licensed products are thoroughly described.

We begin with a brief description of the basic components of the Performance Toolbox and PTPE. Part 1 covers customization of the standard PTX. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 describe in greater detail how the manager and agent components can be customized. Chapter 5 describes how you can use the Performance Toolbox to analyze performance statistics through run-time monitoring and/or through recording/playback.

Part 2 covers PTPE. This part also includes some introductory aspects not found in Part 1, such as planning and installation. Chapter 6 describes the conceptual framework of the Performance Toolbox Parallel Extensions (PTPE) in more detail. Chapter 7 reviews the basic issues and concepts regarding planning and installation of PTPE in an SP environment. Chapter 8 shows a number of examples of how PTPE actually behaves after having been installed.

Part 3 provides a short overview of monitoring and analysis concepts and tools.
Appendix A contains sample scripts; Appendix B shows how we changed the lchmon program to make it collect data into a file, and Appendix C provides a list of contents for the filesets mentioned in this book.
Price: $40.00
Pages: 230
Date Published: November 4, 1997
ISBN: 0738404101
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-2011-00
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