A Performance Study of Web Access to CICS

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A Performance Study of Web Access to CICS

The objective of this redbook is to help you understand the performance impact of Web-enabling your CICS-based applications. It gives detailed performance measurements and capacity planning information for Web access to CICS Transaction Server V1.3 when using OS/390 V2.7. The redbook Revealed! Architecting Web Access to CICS, SG24-5466 explains the choices available to help you decide which is the best solution to choose.

The CICS Web-enabling technologies covered in this redbook are: the CICS Web support function of CICS Transaction Server V1.3, including usage of the 3270 bridge; the OS/390 Web server, which is currently available as OS/390 WebSphere Application Server; and the CICS Transaction Gateway for OS/390 V3.1. It also contains performance information on securing CICS Web support using SSL.

First, we give an overview of the different technologies and discuss the key factors affecting performance of CICS and Web solutions. Following this, there is a summary of the performance figures for each of the technologies we cover. Included is a simple methodology for OS/390 capacity planning when using each technology, and a worked example of how to apply this methodology to the sample ôTraderö application.

We then present a summary of our conclusions and performance recommendations, and go on to describe a fictional story of the Trader Company to illustrate how our capacity planning calculations could be used. Finally, all the actual performance data and the details of the test environments are documented.

The studies presented in this book were designed for the purpose of comparing the OS/390 CPU usage of each technology. They were all simple test applications and were run in controlled laboratory conditions at the IBM Hursley Laboratory, UK. As such, the results provide a good comparison of each technology and with care can be used for capacity planning purposes. However, any capacity planning estimate you use, whatever the source, should always be verified on a test system before the application is put into production.

This redbook applies to Version 1, Release 3 of CICS Transaction Server for OS/390 (program number 5655-147); Version 3, Release 1 of the CICS Transaction Gateway for OS/390 (program number 5648-B43), and Version 1, Release 1 of WebSphere Application Server for OS/390; for use together with the OS/390 Version 2 Release 7 Operating System.
Price: $43.00
Pages: 244
Date Published: February 17, 2000
ISBN: 0738415286
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-5748-00
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