Designing and Optimizing an IBM Storage Area Network

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Designing and Optimizing an IBM Storage Area Network

In this IBM Redbook, we revisit some of the core components and technologies that underpin a storage area network (SAN). We cover the latest additions to the IBM SAN portfolio, discuss general SAN design considerations, and build these considerations into a selection of real world case studies.

There are many ways to design a SAN and put all the components together. In our examples, we have incorporated the major considerations that need to be taken into account, but still left room to manoeuvre on the SAN field of play.

This redbook focuses on the SAN products that are generally considered to form the backbone of the SAN fabric today: switches and directors. With this backbone, developing it has prompted discrete approaches to the design of a SAN fabric. The bespoke vendor implementation of technology that is characteristic in the design footprint of switches and directors, means that we have an opportunity to answer challenges in different ways.

We will show examples where strength can be built in to our SAN using the network and the features of the components themselves. Our aim is to show that you can cut your SAN fabric according to your cloth.
Price: $72.00
Pages: 530
Date Published: May 29, 2002
ISBN: 0738425311
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-6419-00
Ships in 3-5 days
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