Integrating Tivoli Products

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Integrating Tivoli Products

This IBM® Redbooks® publication attempts to provide a broad view of how Tivoli® system management products work together for use in several common scenarios. Seamless integration must be achieved for operation personnel to work with the solution. This integration is necessary to ensure that the product can be used easily by the user. Product integration contains multiple dimensions. We evaluate the implementation of the following areas:

- Security integration provides authentication to users from a single repository and a single login to multiple applications.

- Navigation integration allows multiple management applications to work with each other so that users can get more information across multiple applications.

- Data integration allows the exchange of resource or object information between solutions to allow the context to be established

- Task integration permits one product to use and invoke a facility of another product.

We discuss both the implementation and also provide sample scenarios of how these integrations work. We based the scenarios on common real-life examples that IT operations often experience.

Finally, we also include additional information about topics, such as agent management, reporting, and product adoption routes.

Price: $62.50 $50.00
Pages: 478
Date Published: November 3, 2010
ISBN: 0738433586
Author: IBM Redbooks
Product Number: SG24-7757-00
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