In addition to the support for FlashCopy® and Metro Mirror, Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication supports Global Mirror on the DS8000, and SAN Volume hardware platforms. Advanced disaster recovery functions are also supported with failover/failback (planned and unplanned) from a primary site to a disaster recovery site. A new product, IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication Basic Edition for System z® enables Basic HyperSwap® on z/OS®, which allows the management of disk replication services using an intuitive GUI on z/OS systems.
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication also can monitor the performance of the copy services that provide a measurement of the amount of replication and the amount of time that is required to complete the replication operations.
This IBM Redbooks® publication provides the information you need to install Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication V5.1, and create and manage replication sessions on a z/OS platform. Scenarios are provided that document the work performed in our laboratory setting, using the GUI and CLI.
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