Look & Feel 20 Years Younger 5 Secrets to Slow Down Your Aging Process

Harriet Broder

Look & Feel 20 Years Younger 5 Secrets to Slow Down Your Aging Process

The book shares the most up-to-date information about how we can positively affect how long we live and the quality of life that we have regardless of our predisposition. As the book's subtitle so aptly states, "Own the P.O.W.E.R. you have to create the life you want." Put simply, the message becomes, "Eat smartly, live passionately, and look ageless."

The '5 Secrets' all begin with one of the letters in the word, 'power', an appropriate acronym for the theme. The range of the secrets is compelling as the book discusses easy to grasp and execute strategies and tips from choosing toxin-free beauty products to learning how to declutter your mind in minutes.

There are actually more than five secrets, as Harriet manages to sneak in many, 'mini secrets' as well as personal 'mini secrets.' She is amazingly open and frank in sharing her journey to uncover them. It's nice to read a book where the author's shared vulnerabilities are so relatable.

What may make this book's recommendations that much easier to incorporate is the simple six line worksheet at the end of each 'Secret'. This precludes it from being another one of those hundreds of passive how-to books. In the chapter titled, Final Thoughts, she helps you create your own slow-down your aging blueprint based upon those end of chapter notes.

If you have any desire or even remote curiosity about learning how to adopt just a few of the amazingly impactful strategies recommended, the odds are that you will look younger and certainly feel more alive and connected in a matter of weeks. What's wrong with that?
Price: $18.95 $9.50
Pages: 120
Date Published: March 26, 2012
ISBN: 9781467516679
Author: Harriet Broder
Part Number: V4081604603
Ships in 3-5 days
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