Sicilian Loves

Benedict J. Di Salvo

Sicilian Loves

A true-to-reality story of Sicilian immigrants to Milwaukee with authentic Old World Italian and Sicilian recipes, traditions and photographs that are woven into five chapters. Each chapter is but one day and is a life-altering and decades apart. The story describes Sicilian "Families" (Mafia) influence, personal conflicts, loves and losses... deeds and misdeeds.

Chapter 1: Goodbye Santa Flavia Cosimo (Dad), as a six-year old, and his mother, Vincenza, must leave their beloved Santa Flavia, Sicily for Milwaukee to join his father, Benedetto or “Mr. Ben,” whom they have not seen in three years.

Chapter 2: Celebrating St. Joseph Festival then changes Cosmo (Dad) is older, his father is one of the Milwaukee “Family” members, and conflicts arise between Vincenza and Mr. Ben including the path of life for their son, Cosmo. Mr. Ben refuses to call him” Cosimo” as he was known in Santa Flavia.

Chapter 3: A Trousseau, the Wedding and the Eighth Day Tradition The Mafia continues to influence marriages, and now the lives of Cosimo, now Cosmo, and Mary Maisano Di Salvo.

Chapter 4: Di Salvo’s Restaurant, French-fried Shrimp & St Patrick’s Day. How Dad, as the manager, influenced Mr. Ben to introduce menu changes to make the restaurant famous; the irony of “wearin’ o’ the green” (not an Irishman in the crowd), and the introduction of son, Benedict, and daughter, Vincenza (Vincie).

Chapter 5: The 57th Wedding Anniversary: Who Could Forget? Mom and Dad celebrate their 57th Wedding Anniversary in his hospital room with family and relatives – all friends – reminiscing with bootlegging and deportation stories retold, favorite recipes and frank conversations.

Other Embraceable Photographs


PART II: The Recipes Almond Slices to Zucchini Bread: 75 recipes for all palates.

PART III: Scout & Willy Bear’s Recipes Introduction Photograph & Recipes from our “pawsome” family members Scout and Willy Bear. They are our Sicilian Loves.

PART IV: Food Groups

Price: $22.50
Date Published: July 15, 2017
ISBN: 9781946208330
Author: Benedict J. Di Salvo
Part Number: V4081804543
Ships in 3-5 days
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